The Final Hurdle Must Fall

Java Star falls at Oakbank. Source: Patrick Gorbunovs/ Sunday Mail

Why is the last hurdle seemingly hardest to conquer?

It’s been 20 years since a Senate Committee report first recommended that State Governments phase out jumps racing, yet South Australia continues to lag behind.

Although the majority of Australian states have banned jumps racing, SA is living in the dark ages on this issue, continuing to allow legalised horse cruelty.

The much-publicised death of Java Star  in the first jumps race at Oakbank on Saturday is a blatant reminder that jumps racing injures and kills.

The Victorian example speaks volumes. Statistics collated over 15 years from 1989 to 2004 show that of the 514 fatalities over that period, the risk of a fatality in jump racing was almost 19 times higher, while head, back or neck injuries were 121 times more likely and catastrophic limb injuries 18 times more common.

There’s no point sugar coating this issue. Jumps racing is legalised cruelty and horses and jockeys alike face serious injuries and even death as part of this so-called “sport”.

Animal rights groups including the RSPCA and the Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses are on point in calling for a ban and we can join them by protesting with our wallets.

The Greens called on consumers to show their disgust ahead of the Easter weekend by refusing to bet at the Oakbank races.

Now the Government needs to take a stand on this issue and support the move to cruelty free racing carnivals.

It’s time for the final hurdle to fall, bringing an end to jump racing – and with it continuing horse cruelty – once and for all.

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Kristin Hawthorne
    May 20, 2011 @ 18:54:08

    I have been brought to tears in the past couple of weeks by the number of horses being put down due to jumps racing! It is absolutely disgusting that the human race can support such a horrible act AND call it a “sport”!
    I am trying to make friends aware of how horrible jumps racing is by placing some facts on my own facebook page, however, I’m not sure if I’m legally allowed to copy and paste from articles… as yet I’ve put nothing on facebook! If there is a link out there that will direct my friends to see the horrors of jumps racing, or that will enable you to get support in shutting this ‘rich little man’s’ sport down please share with me as I want everyone to know how disgustingly cruel human nature can be AND I want to do anything I can to help put a stop to it!!!


  2. Barrie Tapp
    May 23, 2011 @ 21:43:03

    Great Tammy. Wer’re right behind you and thanks for all your assistance on trying to get this so called cruel “sport” banned. It’s barbaricantiquated and cruel in the highest catagory.Victoria only has about 100 registered “jumpers” and these can be placed or rehomed. Lot of rubbish that “they” keep telling us “they will go to the Knackery???Probably only a handful of riders left anyhow that rely on this part of the so called industry and the’yve all got other jobs mate


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